Below are the few tips that will guide you in your new destination -- 

  • Politeness and a Smile. Being polite goes a very long way. A smile goes even further.
  • Scams and Danger. Be alert for scams and danger but don’t let that dictate your trip and fun. Most people are not out to harm you. They are busy catching some funs too
  • Language Barrier. If somebody doesn’t speak your language, that’s your problem, not theirs. Learn English the 3rd most known language.
  • Backup Plan. Incase of scams! Have an emergency funds hidden away somewhere and treat your passport as if it was made of gold. It’s not the end of the world if you lose it, but i bet you it’ll feel like it is when you lose it.
  • Public transport. It can be awesome. It can also be the most annoying moment of your life. You will experience both.
  • Be Smart. Opening your heart and mind doesn’t have to mean opening your wallet. You don’t want to get stranded.
  • Memories are great. Get out of your comfort zone. Eat, drink and do things you wouldn’t go near in your normal life. But don’t be the one who comes back to the hotel smashed after a big night out. Payback’s in the morning.
  • New Ways. Things will be different to how they are at home. That’s the point.
  • Meet the locals. You get to try out new and crazy things but if you wanted to hang out with people just like yourself, it would have been much easier just to go to the mall back home.
  • Screwing UP. Don’t be afraid to screw up. Don’t let it put you down. It’s ok. We learn a lot more from our failures than we do our successes.
  • The Experience. There will be times when it’s all too hard. Tough it out. You won’t remember the bad times in a couple of months, but the good times will stay with you forever.
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Категории и предметы
Travel and Foods 10
Adventure 6
Things to do 3